NZ Laser Training Institute Limited

NZLT SLCM Skin Lesions, Cancers & Melanoma Awareness Educational Programme

Skin Lesions, Cancers & Melanoma Awareness Educational Programme

Completion of this educational programme is essential for anyone using technologies on the skin, or conducting skin assessments.  Learn about the medical terminology used for skin lesions and skin cancers and discover just how scary melanoma is and that is not just a mole or an older persons disease. You may have already accidentally removed skin lesions that should have been checked, treated or removed by a medical practitioner or surgeon?  You don’t know what you don’t know! 

Pre-requisites: Open Entry

Recommended for:  Beauty Therapists, Beauticians, IPL & Laser Technicians, Tattooists, Hairdressers, Barbers, Body & Massage Therapists and affiliated Beauty Professionals

Cost: $450 + GST per person - includes Letter of Attendance, interactive learner workbook, electronic Certificate and 30 CPD points allocation towards your NZLT Institute Diploma or Registration Status. 

Study method:  Approximately 10 hours of self-guided online learning with access 24/7, over a 6 week period - complete in a couple of days or over the 6 week period.  Start anytime, study anywhere with our online interactive platform.  On completion a $100 + GST extension fee applies for another 7 days access.

Benefits of Learning

  • Be able to collect and organise data on a variety of ways consumers can approach treatment of skin lesions
  • Evaluate information to better explain definitions of skin lesions and skin conditions
  • Association of skin lesion terminology to common skin lesions including: Malignant, benign, amelanotic, melanotic, metastasise, in-situ, dysplastic, naevus, lentigo and atypical etc.
  • Explain and label a basic diagram of the skin with appropriate tags to demonstrate knowledge of certain skin structures
  • Under best practice guidelines for treatment of skin lesions and describe what is meant by scope of practice
  • Describe the order of actions to be taken to work at industry best practice when conducting a consultation of r skin rejuvenation
  • Define and discuss the importance of clients having regular skin checks including the relevance of early diagnosis
  • Match up descriptions of common skin cancers with example images to compare known traits of common skin cancers
  • Explain the consequences of potentially removing malignant lesions during light based and other skin rejuvenation technologies
  • Identification and interpretation of a clinic treatment policy for client skin rejuvenation treatments that follow best practice principles
  • Ability to research available resources to promote melanoma awareness to client